Sunday, February 2, 2014


The latest update:

I went into the hospital for the biopsy of my kidneys, which was successful, and gave us samples of the suspect tissues.

I got out of the hospital on Fri. The 31st, and am just now drug free enough to send out an update. The news is not good..... cancer in both kidneys.

Best case, chemo, then remove both kidneys, then dialysis for two years, then a possible transplant. Must be cancer free for two years before possible transplant.

Worst case, chemo, then remove both kidneys, dialysis, cancer returns, not survivable.

It will take 5 to 7 days to get the pathology report which is necessary to choose a chemo regime.

Dialysis would be 3 times a week at some facility, or every night at home..... anyone interested can google it.

1 comment:

Barbara and Ron said...

OMG, John, I'm so sorry to hear this. I can't imagine going through everything you've already gone through and now, this. You're in our thoughts and prayers.