Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A small success

Success..... well a small win. I managed to get my oncologist appointment moved up from the 21st to the 14th. This could make a big difference in the effectiveness of the treatment. Really no way to tell, but I am thinking that sooner is better than later.

My success in moving my biopsy up a week, and moving this appointment up a week make me think that I could start a new career as a diplomat, a lobbyist, or at the very least a patient advocate.... I am excited by the possibilities.

Gemzar/Cisplatin, the drugs that I am likely to receive are generally given in a “2 weeks on, 1 week off” regime. It is possible that I can fit in my annual trip to Pa. Into the “week off” part of this protocol. I guess that “traveling” is a question (one of many) for the Doc.

My theory is that even when you know that you are going to get your ass kicked, it is best to get on with it..... waiting in fear is debilitating and counter productive..... So, full speed ahead.

1 comment:

Barbara and Ron said...

You would certainly make a good patient advocate. You've had enough experience for sure.