Sunday, June 8, 2014

Code "pissed off" in the pre op

So on the 6th I left for the hospital at 8:30, after a shower and a special wipe down with what appear to be huge baby wipes. They contain special chemicals that fight infection...... also special wipes for my man parts..... apparently that is where infections hide to gain entrance into the hospital..... Of course, no food or water since the night before.

I get to the hospital, manage to “checked in”, and begin the wait. At 11:00 get called into pre op. I answer the questions, get into the fashionable paper gown, and have an IV installed. Then the wait..... High anxiety, hunger, and thirst, and more waiting..... and waiting..... at nearly 2:00, I get the news..... no surgery for you!!! WHAT????? You can’t do this to me!!! “we are sorry”... “we are very sorry”..... “we are very very sorry”......

Then they said wait and we will remove the IV, I said “no wait necessary, I will remove the IV”. I began the process, and instantly 5 people appeared, grabbed my arm, and treated me as if I were committing suicide. They quickly removed the IV..... no waiting necessary.

Of course they said it was an emergency that caused my surgery to be canceled, but I had over heard the staff talking about “over booking” of the OR, and over booking by doctors. Guess that I will never know. I am pretty sure that they have never said to a canceled patient “sorry, we over booked the room, and someone had to get shit on, and we decided it would be you”.

Anyway, I was pretty upset, and rude as I left.... no raised voices, or property damage, but they certainly didn’t have to guess what I was thinking.

I am waiting to be rescheduled.....


Barbara and Ron said...

Oh, John, that's inexcusable. They should pay you a cancelation fee.

pdurant said...

Horrible. So sorry. AS IF you haven't already gone through enough and still have epic challenges ahead....they had to add unnecessary trauma to the pile and blame it on an "emergency". You might have believed them if you hadn't overheard the staff conversation. It is probably a regular routine to overbook figuring that at least one patient will not show up or a procedure will be cancelled due to other factors.

Wish it were otherwise.

ladynomad said...

That is definitely not something you expect to happen at a hospital. Although when I had my heart ablation, it lasted twice as long as they expected and I ended up rooming with the lady whose pacemaker implant got delayed. I guess it does happen.

JC said...

I am glad that you both think that this is outrageous.... thought it might just be me.

I guess that I should say that if there really was life hanging in the balance, then I take it all back and wish that patient the best of luck.

Anonymous said...

When I was going through treatment, I remember wishing someone, anyone, would be as concerned about my health as I was. I concur with the others. We all (as reasonable adults) realize these things happen, but to allow you to overhear and be given proof that you are not their top priority is inexcusable. I hate this part of healthcare.


JC said...

Thanks for all of the comments. I had the surgery yesterday, and all went well. Hard to type with one arm sore and swollen. more soon

pdurant said...

I just logged on to see if you had been rescheduled. Glad that part is done. Are you still scheduled for the 18th?

JC said...

Yup D day is the 18th