Sunday, February 9, 2014

On to treatment

So, my path report is in, and I have seen ½ of it. I am trying to get the rest of it, but things medical seem to move very slowly. One might think that with all of the “life and death” stuff going on there would be a sense of urgency, but that does not seem to be the case.

Anyway, according to the Doc., the report merely confirms what he already knew..... the same cancer that was in my bladder, in both kidneys.

The plan is to attack the cancer with drugs, and then remove both kidneys. Yup you heard right, REMOVE BOTH KIDNEYS!!!!!   First my bladder, then my belly button, and now my kidneys. Where will it end?

The chemo is to go after any cancer cells that may be wandering around my body looking for a place to settle in and raise a family. After the kidneys come out, no more chemo possible, so it is kind of a “last chance” weapon deployment. So, after chemo, and after we deport the kidneys for allowing this nasty disease to infiltrate my personal borders, we are out of ammo. If my cancer survives these measures, then it wins.

If I win this round, then I am on to “life on dialysis”. Pretty grim, but still “life”. If I survive 2 years without the return of cancer, then possibly a transplant.

I have an appointment with the oncologist on the 21st. I am trying to move this up, but am not having much luck. All of the information exists, all of the tests are done..... the only thing necessary to begin treatment is for the doc to prescribe treatment. It seems a dangerous and unnecessary waste of time to wait 2 weeks. I mean, we just punched holes into my kidneys, and disturbed the cancer..... certainly enough to make it angry and want to find new digs.

In any event, the path is clear, just waiting for the system.


Russell said...

Medical scheduling is maddening. Most industries understand prioritization and in the emergency realm, triage serves that purpose, but in the specialization practices they don't seem to get it.

ladynomad said...

So sorry to hear of this new issue. Will be praying.

pdurant said...

Horrible. I just now saw this update. I'm stunned that everything looked so good post bladder cancer until a few months ago and now this awful news. Very sad. It seems they should get you in sooner to optimize the chance of successful treatment.

I hope you are still able to come home for your visit in March but if you have to delay the start of treatment to do so, I'm not sure you should.

Praying for you and love you little brother.