Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Dec. 26, 2012

OK, right to the point...... The CT scan says..... ALL CLEAR. I still have unidentified left hip pain that will need to be dealt with.... sorry, with which I will need to deal. At this point, I am now 3 years NED (no evidence of disease).... This, is the very best news possible.

My shoulder is making good progress. I have been very careful, well ok, as careful as I could manage, and so far have had no further injury. I am told to be very careful for the next 3 months, and careful for the following 6 months. It has already been over a year from the date of the injury, and I should be done with this by next September. I do not recommend that anyone follow my example regarding this kind of situation.

I had a good Christmas, lots of good friends, food, and fellowship. Karen and I are planning to spend the new year with some friends at Joshua Tree National Park, Jumbo Boulders campground. The name is either redundant or these are some very huge rocks. This will mean at least 2 days getting the old girl ready to travel..... Meaning the motorhome, not Karen. These short trips are necessary to keep the motorhoome functional and reliable. Allow them to set too long, and nothing works, kind of a use it or lose it scenario. You boat owners know what I am talking about.   

The years are flying by, best wishes to all of my friends and family.


ladynomad said...

So glad to hear the news. Enjoy Joshua Tree and hope to see you on the road soon.

Barbara and Ron said...

Congrats on the great report. Happy New Year!