Tuesday, November 3, 2009

November 3, 2009

Hello to all,
It has been over 3 weeks since my surgery, and I expected to be posting a lighthearted account of my stay in the hospital.... but seem unable to find my sense of humor. In spite of this, I feel obligated to keep everyone up to date.

I am recovering from the surgery on schedule.... by this I mean, the holes in my body are healing up, my new plumbing is beginning to function as expected, and I am feeling a little better week by week. My friends have stepped up and are taking very good care of me, and I expect to get back to my old self in a couple of months.

The good part is that the cancer was confined to the bladder, my pathology report is clear, and it is 95% certain that the cancer is gone. My ongoing treatment will likely just be a cat scan every year. Although life will never be the same as it was, I should be able to live a fairly normal life.

The bad part is, that I am having trouble with my legs, and had to return to the hospital for a couple of days of tests. The doctors have determined that there is nothing life threatening..... blood clots, infections, abscesses, etc. I have very little feeling in the upper thigh area of both legs, and cannot lift either leg to take a step without supporting my weight with my arms..... am now using a walker to get around. The doctors think that this is the result of nerve damage/irritation, and will probably resolve itself with time. I am hoping that they are right, as there does not seem to be a plan B.

Recovery is slower than I expected..... walking 200 ft. is still exhausting, but suppose to get better with time.
I wish that I had a fast forward button.....


ladynomad said...

Thanks for your update. My prayers go out to you.

Barbara and Ron said...

I had never heard of that, but Ron's brother had nerve damage/irritation from a prostate operation and it did eventually resolve itself. Someday you WILL get past all this - I have enough confidence for both of us.


JC said...

Thanks for your support..... I follow your blogs, and they offer me great incentive to get back on the road soon. I hope to see all of you this winter.... John